From Beirut to Jerusalem by Dr Ang Swee Chai
Dr Ang Swee Chai grew up supporting Israel. Arabs, she was told, were terrorist. But in 1982, the British media broadcasted the relentless bombing of Beirut by Israeli planes. Shocked, her view of Israel began to change. It was then that she heard of an international appeal for an orthopaedic surgeon to treat war victims in Beirut. The petite woman- she is just under 1.5 meters- resigned her job in London, bade her husband farewell and set out on a journey to civil war Beirut. From Beirut to Jerusalem is the true story of one woman's journey to make the world notice the plight of the Palestinian people.
"Her description of those events in these pages is as immediate as if it had happened yesterday... the close-ups of suffering are, as they always are, priceless." -The Independent, UK
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